A Simple Caching Pattern in Go
One might use it like this:
var myCache = NewOurCache(0, calculateTimestamp)
// ...
var myValue time.Time = myCache.Open(dateText, timeText, Location)
is an alias for the actual data cached. It can be any type including a structure or pointer. composeKey()
is an example how to consistently create a string key from whatever identifies the data. These parameters usually match the parameters of the createAValue
function (if used)
Use the cache by Write() values if the Read() cannot find them, or you can use something like the Open()
function, which returns the cached value if found in the cache or it generates the value (using the createAValue function), caches it, and returns it[1]
[1]: My naming convention is:find("key")
returns the value and a boolean (like aMap["key"]
excepts/panics if it cannot return the valueopen("key")
returns an existing instance or creates the value
If a cache is disabled, Read() always returns found == false (even if it has the desired key already in data) and Write() does nothing. Open() will call the generation function every time
import (
// OurCacheType is not necessarily an int; whatever the cache holds, e.g. structures
type OurCacheType = int
type ourCacheData map[string]OurCacheType
// the function that does the work
type getItemFunc func(partOfKey, OtherPartOfKey string) OurCacheType
type OurCache struct {
capacity int
data ourCacheData
createAValue getItemFunc
hitCount int32
missCount int32
overCapacityCount int32
semaphore *sync.RWMutex
enabled bool
type ourCacheDatum struct {
key string
value OurCacheType
// NewOurCache correctly initializes a cache isntance
func NewOurCache(capacity int, createFunc getItemFunc,
data ...ourCacheDatum) OurCache {
result := OurCache{capacity: capacity, createAValue: createFunc,
semaphore: &sync.RWMutex{}, data: ourCacheData{},
enabled: true} // or start it disabled (e.g. to test without cached values)
// initializing the cache is useful for testing
for _, datum := range data {
result.data[datum.key] = datum.value
return result
func (cache *OurCache) Open(partOfKey, otherPartOfKey string,
) OurCacheType {
key := composeKey(partOfKey, otherPartOfKey)
value, found := cache.Read(key)
if !found {
value = cache.createAValue(partOfKey, otherPartOfKey)
cache.Write(key, value)
return value
func (cache *OurCache) Read(key string) (result OurCacheType, found bool) {
defer cache.semaphore.RUnlock() // activates three lines down
if !cache.enabled {
return result, false
result, found = cache.data[key]
if found {
atomic.AddInt32(&(cache.hitCount), 1)
} else {
atomic.AddInt32(&(cache.missCount), 1)
return result, found
func (cache *OurCache) Write(key string, value OurCacheType) {
defer cache.semaphore.Unlock()
if cache.enabled {
cache.data[key] = value
// called from Write(), which has a write-lock
func (cache *OurCache) checkCapacity() {
if cache.capacity > 0 && (len(cache.data) >= cache.capacity) {
cache.data = ourCacheData{}
atomic.AddInt32(&(cache.overCapacityCount), 1)
func (cache *OurCache) Size() int {
defer cache.semaphore.RUnlock()
result := len(cache.data)
return result
func (cache *OurCache) HitCount() int {
result := atomic.LoadInt32(&cache.hitCount)
return int(result)
func (cache *OurCache) MissCount() int {
result := atomic.LoadInt32(&cache.missCount)
return int(result)
func (cache *OurCache) OverCapacityCount() int {
result := atomic.LoadInt32(&cache.overCapacityCount)
return int(result)
func (cache *OurCache) Abled() bool {
defer cache.semaphore.RUnlock()
return cache.enabled
func (cache *OurCache) Enable) {
defer cache.semaphore.Unlock()
cache.enabled = true
func (cache *OurCache) Disable() {
defer cache.semaphore.Unlock()
cache.enabled = false
// Clear when the source of data changes
func (cache *OurCache) Clear() {
defer cache.semaphore.Unlock()
cache.data = ourCacheData{}
func (cache *OurCache) Reset() {
defer cache.semaphore.Unlock()
cache.data = ourCacheData{}
cache.hitCount = 0
cache.missCount = 0
cache.overCapacityCount = 0
func (cache *OurCache) Statistics() (size, capacity, hit, miss, over int, enabled bool) {
defer cache.semaphore.RUnlock()
return cache.Size(), cache.capacity, cache.HitCount(),
cache.MissCount(), cache.OverCapacityCount(), cache.Abled()
// an example of a deterministic way of generating a unique string key for a cachable value
// e.g. a consistent string representation of a Time
func composeKey(partOfKey, otherPartOfKey string) string {
return partOfKey + "|" + otherPartOfKey
A generic version is possible but requires a lot of sacrifices like exposing and delegating the format of the key strings to the caller and losing the variable parameters in NewOurCache(). I could not figure out a way to define a function type that returned the type of the cache, but that critical piece might be possible
One hundred lines of code is a small price to pay for type safety